
    Corporate Culture



    Power clean energy to human, create green future to earth.

    Greenpower is an important indicator for civilization and social development, a harmonious bridge between human and nature, an inevitable road for sustainable development.  Therefore, our mission BringGreen Power to Human by using renewable sources; Return Blue Sky to Nature by Environmental friendly solutions”, meets the goal of Environmental-friendly Society proposed by the government which is the long-term driving force for us.

    Core of values

    Core of valuesCore of values

    Ride the wave and seize the momentum, with sincerity, kindness, and morality.

    Honesty is our core for development. At this critical moment of rapid expansion, Windey is going to take the opportunity to gain more success; meanwhile, sincerity is our methodology to employees, clients and partners. Weare convinced that by the principle of honesty, sincerity and morality, Windey is capable of making more contributions to China’s energy structure.




    Optimizing Enhancing Reinforcing Establishing.

    This is our long-term goal and pre-requisitefor a first-class wind turbine manufacturer.
    Optimizing means keep optimizing to besuperior to other manufacturers in average personal efficiency and manufacture costs.
    Enhancing means enhancing general competitiveness and product profits.
    Reinforcing means reinforcing foundationon which the company develops on a rapid and sustainable base.
    Establishing means establishing a century-old brand. 

    Mission of Windey

    Mission of WindeyMission of Windey

    To become a renewable energy service enterprise with leading technology, reputation, and international competitiveness.